11 November 2011

Shining Force 2 AI 07

Time to explore the outside, before Yeel...
Close to Yeel there are Mountains.
Journey south, and we end up near the sea.
There is a Cave in the South, or is it a Cave?
Looks like this Cave, could actually be a Temple.
It's a Ruins of a Temple, that had been looted...
Bowie found Power Water, someone can get Powerful by drinking it.
There are two Statue figures of someone, and in between them there are two holes in the wall, to hold two valuable objects...
Okay, the place is creepy, let's get out of here!
Left the Temple and Entering Ye--
And going North!
Oh, yeah, there is a Mithril near the Temple!
As for the North...
A Very Big Castle at the North, yet it's bridge is up, so we can't pass.
Continuing to Yeel then!
A small quiet Town of Yeel.
Wow, received Healing Seed, and that one is expensive!
Hens walking in Town, kids playing...
Hawel lives northwest of Yeel, and that's where we're heading!
Galam soldiers came by, looking for Hawel...
Oh, a Hawel's student.
Let's follow Kazin to Hawel!
As for Power Water, Sarah will use it .
After using the Power Water, Sarah's attacks became as good as Jaha's.
Northwest of Yeel...
A battle, Chester fights Ooze!
Bowie defeats an Ooze, improves defence by getting a level.
Critical Hit, and Bowie defeats another Ooze!
Huge Rat attacks Chester, Chester is then Healed by Sarah.
A lot of Gold we're getting.
Jaha falls asleep from a Bat's attack!
Chester attacks a Huge Bat and gets a level.
Sarah defeats a Huge Bat, impressive!
Sarah Heals Jaha with Heal Spell, Jaha also awakens.
Bowie rushed alone to deal with the remaining Monsters.
Yet Chester catches up to Bowie, and they finish off the last Ooze.
Soon will reach Hawel's place.
Will come back to Granseal to sell some Herbs...
Now we have some free space, to get new Items.