23 November 2011

The 3rd Birthday 09

Behind the next door, a massive Twisted...
A Huge Boss, that I have been waiting for!
Wanna restock, and prepare the ammo and ...
Preparing to dodge, and dodge a lot!
These Soldiers do Look gloomy...
So, run the best with weapons that have the best handling.
A handgun with an anti-Twisted bullets, that will do!
Ready to take the Boss!
Well, the Boss isn't THAT Big...
Some Orb is behind the Huge Twisted, and the Boss itself just doesn't go away.
Have to Finish the Huge Twisted faster.
After the Orb, there are Stairs, they lead on top of the building, and it's safe up there.
This Huge Twisted has a weak point on his back, when attacking his back, should watch-out for the red balls that he is throwing.
This Huge Boss has a Tail, that looks like an arm, and he can easily break barriers with it!
When this Huge Twisted climbs the building, can fire at him from below, Show-Time!
Not again, the ammo is running out, the Boss is almost finished though...
Come on, everyone should survive now, we got it Surrounded!
It takes rather long, to take this Boss down, through his so called "Weak Spot".
The Boss required an Overdive at the end, and it's done, the Huge Twisted that is!