28 January 2012

Arcana Heart 3 01

Kamui Tokinomiya with Anutpada the Arcana of Time:
Can make an attack that throws her opponent high into the air.
Kamui uses a Katana, her slashes are swift, draws her Blade before every attack.
Though attacks in succession, needs time to prepare, before making her move.
Probably, doesn't like to use her Katana, when she doesn't have to.
Kamui, and the Arcana of Time, when Arcana of Time is used, it increases speed of the user, Kamui can close in for a finisher, far faster with this Arcana.
And Kamui's Katana glows Red, can also be an Aqua color, when makes electrified attacks.
Can move so quickly, that her shadow doubles can be seen!
Fights very close to her opponents, not very big combinations, about four, or seven hits,  well, Kamui's slashes are powerful, so no point in making many of them, is it?
Fiona Mayfield, with Oreichalkos the Arcana of Metal:
What a cool attack combination, throws her opponent high, and into the wall, opponent bounces back, and that's, when Fiona jumps to swing her huge Sword, and send her opponent flying!
Fiona's combination in the air, does miss some time, funny though, the landing...
Fiona can use long ranged attacks, with help from the Arcana of Metal.
Fiona can make big combos, like 23 hits, and the Arcana of Metal can make attacks exceeding 100 hits, Fiona's attacks still, do a bit more damage though...
And she can grow these little wings, how cute!
The most prolonged attacks, do biggest combos, with most hits!
An Excalibur special!
Fiona jumps, to make her most powerful slashes!
Her best attacks, can finish an opponent, in two hits!
Wow, and that's a 37 hits in a combination, Fiona did it by surrounding her opponent with multiple swords, and she gets this power from the Metal Arcana!