And how soon, we should go to battle?
Marina is the only Sniper on our team, and she is more than capable, to handle her Sniper duties, alone.
Too many Scouts, and not enough Shocktroopers, hm...
Ramona can fire an undodgeable Shot, just like Alicia!
And for now, our Scouts, are the only Elites; Engineers are next!
Edelweiss is well equipped; our best Tank for sure!
And we set off, to Marberry Shore!
To move under the cover of fog...
The battle, the tension...
Captain Varrot will explain the situation; the briefing.
A hill to overtake; the valley, has many open places.
We'll be moving on, from the beach; and immediately, will have to take defensive positions.
And as usual, the Imperial Base Camp, is our target of choice!
A bee-line, okay; it will depend, on how much Fortified this place really is.
This mission, it already sounds exciting; the Imperial forces, supposedly have Machine Guns, stationed along the beach...
We should rely heavily on the Tank, in this battle, for Marberry Shore.
Will be using smoke shells.
Bunkers will be our next obstacle, once we climb the hill.
And who, will handle the Bunkers; will it gonna be Tanks, Lancers, or Troopers?
Aha, so the Bunkers have a weak spot, its guns can be taken out; the guns are located at the front and rear doors, and should aim carefully, because they are in a Bunker after all!
Bunkers have a Fuel supply, a shot from a Sniper, can set it off, to explode; the Ragnite Fuel, is at the back of the Bunker; a side approach then!
Flamethrowers could be useful against Bunkers, and entrenchments; the Shocktroopers have to be Elite though...
We'll be divided into two groups.
Each group, will be lead by a Tank; there is just no other way around it; the beach, is heavily Fortified.
Edelweiss will lead the right group, and Shamrock will lead the left squad; hopefully, to victory...
Welkin is our Tank commander, his Tank is Edelweiss.
Alicia will be on the Welkin's Squad of course!
Engineer Claudia, Shocktrooper Rosie, and the Lancer Largo, will all join Welkin on the march to the hills.
Zaka, the Tank commander of Shamrock, will be joined by:
Shocktrooper Hannes, Sniper Marina, the Lancer Walter, and Karl the Engineer.
No suspense here; moving out!
Operation, proceed...
Marberry Shore; like expected, there is no place to hide on the beach; except in the sand...
A Smokescreen will help our advance; no point in using it on our foes, since we are the ones who are in need of hiding.
Hm, Carl and Marina would need to protect our Base; others will begin the offensive.
The Smokescreen can be dissipated by any blast, so should be careful, to not blow away our own Smokescreen.
The Smokescreen is quite large, enough to cover two Tanks.
The Smokescreen is deployed near a Wall; the Tank should move in first!
Their first Camp is empty, a lone Scout tries to protect it though.
The Invulnerable cannons, make no attempt, at attacking near their own Camp.
Alicia moved first, and safely approached the Camp; will take out a Scout...
First Camp occupied; Welkin's squad advancing steadily.
Lookout Towers would really help, in spotting every opponent out there.
Claudia, somewhat unlucky, could not shoot accurately at a Scout; even though, she closed in on him well.
Rosie met up with Alicia; Largo is the only one left.
Imperial Forces have a Medium Tank, and a Heavy Tank stationed; climbed the Tower to see them.
Gatling Guns, are inside the Bunkers.
Another Invulnerable Gun, on the way to the Imperial Base Camp; a Smokescreen would be needed there.
Bunkers have an open space at the back, with little covering.
Marina reached our Camp; a first step, to be deployed farther away.
Snipers are awesome, if they have a clear vision!