We want to become bracers, to wain on a new beginning!
Estelle and Joshua, both look like solid fighters; wait till they get their first assignment, for their first moments to shine in battle!
Cassius is Estelle's father; he is a Guild member, and for today however, he'll be busy with the paperwork.
To become bracers, we will need to be accepted at the Guild first.
A treasure chest, and it cannot be accessed; locked tight, and won't open...
A log for staff practice; hit it too hard, and it will backfire!
Estelle Bright's house, is deep within the forest; a road through the woods, leads to the city.
Okay, there is a city nearby, the city of Rolent, to the North; will be checking it soon.
A stone road, following it North; stone pillars are marking the sides of the road, to the city of Rolent.
Almost on time; and graduation, hm...
A challenge to become bracers, it is all quite met.
Well, what will be in the last test?
Would need to meet with Schera at the Bracer Guild.
Estelle is definitely lightheaded, she is tough though...
Stella lecturing Estelle, says Estelle should take more care of her looks; appearance matters, for a girl of her age.
Estelle and Joshua are talking with an armor shop owner; seems they are good friends.
Seems to be too early, to buy armor.
A General Store...
Liberl news, that's something important to buy, and bring home.
Estelle is a collector of Strega shoes, always asks, if the new pair has came to the store.
The Liberl news, are not at the shop at the moment; a later visit is, is in order.
After the training exam at the Guild, will visit the General store, for the Liberl news.
And what's in the backyard?
Some private houses...
Yeah, Cassius is just fine; there was something disturbing though...
So, Cassius served in the Royal Army; was it before he became a Bracer, or after?
Rough mining work; a day, after day, after day; recovering minerals; that's how one family makes a living in Rolent.
The Bracer Guild, is the big building on the right, with a huge sign above the door, the sign reads "Guild."
Yuni's friends, Luke and Pat, ran off somewhere...
Luke and Pat running around streets, shouting about some special place they discovered; and they probably want to go there too...
A landing port; Air traffic control; Travel by air is possible here.
This is one devoted bookworm, Rhett has a library at his home; so, why are the books so dusty?
Someone likes to play Bracer too much, and has a diary with all the accomplishments written within; maybe too young, to be a real Bracer yet?
This is a bit much, for a residence; a Mayor's residence.
A maid; one of the few, who needs to clean this big Mansion.
A very, very Big Safe, in the Mayor's room.
Mayor Klaus, knows us too...
The Mayor's Home Mansion, is a three-story building.
Entering the Bracer Guild...
Scherazard is the only female Bracer in Rolent; and she will overlook our training exam.
Scherazard is thinking about something, she is waiting patiently.
Scherazard has cards laid out before her; shuffles the Arcana...
Is this the only time, we're up so early?
Thanks, for the long speech, Joshua; he is natural, when it comes to talking about Estelle...
Okay, enough of, who can do what, mastering the Orbment, is all that matters!
Schera was reading the Tarot Cards, to have a glimpse in to the future.
Orbments are the basis, for all machinery in Rolent; Orbments are also used in skills, and magic.
A Bracer Guild - is a Guild, that takes, and assigns different protection and stability oriented missions, to maintain security and well-being of its clients; the Guild can also act, as a mediator, to end different international conflicts.
The Kingdom of Liberl, it's a vast country, filled with Nature, and mineral resources, like septium; the Kingdom has a large Lake in the middle as well.
The Kingdom of Liberl was invaded by the Erebonian Empire a decade ago; the Empire lost however, and their relationship with the Kingdom is still soar.
We will get a field experience today; it will resemble a real Bracer job.
The study so far, involved lessons at the desk.
Estelle is so happy right now, a workout, is something she is good at.
Joshua is calm, as usual.
Received Bracer Notebooks: all the results, conclusions and assessments will be written in these books; more paperwork...
A Bulletin Board; the assignments are pinned there, and it will prove useful, in obtaining new jobs.
Bracer's Guild job description, for training...
A 500 Mira will be paid for the job; Mira is currency, and the client is Schera.
Find the treasure chest, in the sewers; a suitable beginner's job...
The mission begins at the Orbal factory; more learning, more stuff to remember...
Orbal arts; attack techniques?
When Quartz is combined with an Orbment, a new skill, or magic, becomes available to the user.
Sepith possesses a variety of elements, it is widely used in Orbal Factories.
Joshua needs the Time element quartz, while Estelle is alright with any elemental quartz!
An earth element would be fine, for Estelle; will withstand hits better.
Most elements were synthesized; and equipping them...
Only the Tear skill can be usable by Estelle, at this time; a water element it is then!
Tear art is a healing art, Estelle will be able to use five of those, before she needs to recharge...
The qualification exam, will end with the training, at the sewers...
No paper test, whatever...
There will be Monsters roaming the sewers, and as long as we're stronger, then we can make through the mission, without breaking a sweat!
Monster; red, scary, and looks slow.
A Dirty Rat Monsters; and Joshua will attack first!
Lots of damage, as Estelle finishes off the Dirty Rat!
Monster Bone was obtained; the fight was too simple, no injuries sustained.
Little point in fleeing the battle, if monsters are that weak; unless to save time, of course!
Arts need time to be prepared; because arts can be cast from a distance, should stay at a distance, when performing them.
All of the arts that were learned, are usable, no missteps there.
Can attack with boulders, streams of water, and spinning discs, by performing arts.
Found Crisp Onion, it was dropped by a Monster.
Joshua crafted a Dual Strike attack; can be used effectively against stronger Monsters.
A Monster Horn, is our new Item; where to use it though...
A Reviving Balm was found in the treasure chest, to help us with fighting monsters; Need to look for other treasure chest, to finish the assignment.
S-Crafts attack combinations, can unleash those without delay, and finish off any, except the strongest of monsters.
Lots of Monsters this time; let's tide things up, and head out to present the contents of the treasure chest!
After speeding up, Joshua is casting arts really quickly; to eliminate some nimble monsters, arts are a must!
Three Dirty Rats left; the Moths were beaten, not so long ago.
Yeah, one counter is all, what the Dirty Rats could manage; the Craft attacks can help achieve quick victory, if will perform them in timely manner with the arts.
Two small boxes are in the farthest treasure chest, and the contents are a secret, and it should stay so!
The test is done; now to return the contents...
There is also, a locked and rusted cage door in the sewers; it won't budge!
And it is finally announced; Estelle and Joshua both passed the training course, and the exam!
The results should be reported back, to the Bracer's Guild...
Our first bracer job, is completed; celebration?
The small boxes, they contained the Bracer emblems.
Scherazard officially appoints Estelle Bright and Joshua Bright, as the junior Bracers; yeah, make world a better place...
Schera leaves, to attend to her other duties.
And we, should get to the General Store, and receive Liberl news.
Luke and Pat left for their secret base, in a big hurry; if they wonder off to danger...
Bracers to the rescue!
For now, no rescue is required, so, would head home.
An issue 1 Paper received.
A Recipe Book, was given as a gift; and a Maple Cookie recipe was learned, and added to the book.