Our Hero with the Zio skill, it shocks.
Daichi will be hanging out with Ghosts, to slow down other demons, because they are too, are distracted by Ghosts!
The Poltergeist can cast Bufu, a skill that Freezes opponents; a demon that have been frozen, cannot counter-attack, or do anything in that matter.
Io will lead Fairies; her main Fairy now, is the Knocker.
The Knocker, is the highest level demon in our group, so far...
Fairies can cast strong magic skills; and at this point, magic skills are far more superior, to any physical skills.
Joe, with his enthusiasm, will be unleashing the Touki's powers, as there is no leash to hold 'em, once they Aggravate.
Touki Kobold, when Aggravated, can cause critical hits, which in turn, allow for even more critical hits; Critical Hits, are the fastest way to bring down the biggest demons, who are usually without weaknesses!
Hm, maybe the Hero should concentrate on obtaining Vitality, then he would be rough, and can stand and fight for long periods of time...
What skills the Hero should use then, to compliment his strength?
Io has Agi and Bufu, hot and cold...
Why Joe has the Extra Cancel skill anyway; his vitality is low, he will just hurt himself!
Hero will use Dia, a recovery skill, and will also take the Extra Cancel skill from Joe; then he'll be able to waste his life on attacking, and heal afterwards.
Joe has good magic, so it's better for him to use magic skills, that is why he will get Zio; Hero can do without his shock skill, for awhile.
The Auction is too expensive, at least at the moment; could have bought a Familiar otherwise...
A taste of our team's skills, in this battle...
Skill Crack, a feature that is required to acquire new skills; should be used cautiously on stronger demons; most skills will become common at a later date, so no point in rushing into danger for a new skill to crack.
A Zan skill; a Knocker has it; a loose Knocker, that is out there...
The Knocker has two magical Kabuso cats to back him up; the whole group is weak against Zio.
Joe has the Zio skill, along with his Pixie friend; so, will send Joe's group to target the Knocker, and obtain Zan.
The Hero Aid skill, can be cracked from any Kobold; the Hero will target one of them; Daichi will help in it too.
Io will help Joe, in pursuing the Knocker's skill, Zan.
A team with a Touki should Aggravate if possible, before every battle!
Pixie will have no chance...
Hero Aid was cracked, and our Hero leveled up; vitality is improving...
Io's team, doesn't have any skills to use, before the fighting starts; a simple attack, will do.
Two Pixies and a Kobold, all weak against Agi; Agi is a fire skill.
Io's Knocker was damaged by Pixie's Zio; no matter, it can heal itself with Glamour.
Nice, Joe's team shocked the Knocker, and he cannot resist now!
Hero's team, was attacked by Agathions; their weakness is Bufu, an ice skill.
Agathions sure are fast, the Hero can remove their advantage though, with the Extra Cancel skill!
Hero's Kobold has been paralysed, by a Pixie!
A Pixie is attacking Io's group; how boring, Io's group is just too powerful, can beat any opponents.
A clean win for Io, not surprising...
Although Knocker has the ability to use Zan, his weakness is still, Zan and Zio.
Zan, is a wind skill; Joe will acquire it soon...
Joe, can now use Zan and Zio; well, his magic is good.
Daichi's team, against Kobolds; this is...
Yes, the Kobolds are defeated with magic skills; their level is low too...
Aggravate and destroy; the Hero's team attacks!
Anger Hit is quite useless, if Aggravate is used; at the beginning of the fight that is!
Another battle at Miyashita Park, is in order; there was one skill, that was missed.
Here is the deal, everyone will race to acquire the Extra Bonus skill, from the Knocker!
Interesting, there is a card, that can be obtained; Io's team is the fastest because of Kabuso; so she will be the quickest one to arrive, and get the card.
Let's see how much pain, can be dealt on the Knocker!
The Barrage of angry critical hits; or carefully executed critical hits.
Hero needs his Zio skill back; now that Joe has a Zan skill, it'll be plenty enough.
It would have been easier, if could fly, then the card would've been taken by now.
Great, Io's movements are haunted by Ghosts...
That was close, Kabuso nearly got beaten, by angry Kobolds; Kobolds attack with metal clubs.
The demons, mostly are gone from the park; the card remains where it is, waiting till we claim it!
Nearly there...
Obtained the memory card, and nothing special came with it; Io's Knocker, learned Dia a little sooner; whatever!
After all these battles, have enough to buy a demon at Auction!
Let's see...
The Ghost Agathion, is a demon, that we do not own yet; will buy it!
Agathion obtained; Daichi will keep it company.
Hm, Poltergeist, is now outside the battle, waiting...
Will talk to Io...
Io is lost in thought; interruptions!
A question?
Worried; no, why?
And Io was so worried...
Of course the place is a wreck, it was overrun by the demons after all!
Io thinks about her parents...
What Nicaea is?
Eh, a demon summoner's help tool?
When did Io start using Nicaea anyway?
A girl, told Io about the site; and...
And Io finally decided, to try register...
Of course, lots of questions, demand lots of answers!
Io is a small bit happier, smiling...
Daichi at Hibiya Park...
A racket; what are these men up to?
A police officer finds them, and chases them away; not on purpose...
What's up Daichi?!
And now there lies, a broken vending machine; it is understandable, this city, Tokyo, is locked down, and the patience is running thin...
Daichi is saddened by the events, which have unfolded before his eyes...
Ah, thirsty...
Behold, the Hero's nerves of steel, a sight within the ruined city streets!
Yeah, better look at the vending machine, a double-check won't hurt.
Something is still there; drinks?
Daichi spotted something, around the vending machine...
A special drink, combination of wheat and caffeine; sounds like an energy drink of sorts...
Let's not try, just in case; maybe something better can be found, at that pile of vending machines.
Daichi agrees, in not touching the drink, that robbers left untouched.
To have a riot in the city; yeah, it could ruin it.
Smile on Daichi's face, as he hopes for the best; a faint smile indeed, as the day gonna end, without any signs of rescue.