Aver's Adventure...
The last words that remember are "Don't keep the girl waiting."
And this building is new; how to find the girl here?
Need directions...
No map, now that helps, a lot...
First, Aver should find his room; it is being prepared; will just run, until find something!
Security Firm Little Wing, Aver is waiting for the first assignment; can be something interesting.
Vanque telling, how much he knows about the battlefield; Vanque will be teaching skills, for...
Vanque said that blocking, will protect against all status effects; that means, no nasty surprises!
Some weapons, to receive more power, need armors with the same name.
Central Lobby; the next area!
A Cafe, Aver's Room, and some shops; should visit the room...
Yeah, the Relic site; the Boss, was too much...
Okay, so Aver is a Beast, and can use Nanoblasts; when he is more experienced...
Nanoblast of a Beast, it's a transformation, into a Giant!
If a Nanoblast Frenzy reaches its limit, then the Giant Beast will attack anyone, even friends; dangerous indeed!
The badges for Nanoblasts, are available and present, at the Salon.
Opposite element for bigger damage, can make a lot of difference against tough opponents, and Bosses.
Armors should be of the same element, then, more damage will be reduced!
Fight fire with fire, for armors; and fight fire with ice, for weapons!
Looking for Emilia; she is around here somewhere...
Hello Emilia!
Guess Emilia waited too long; sigh...
Tired and sleepy, huh, Emilia?
There are two doors, leading out off Aver's room, the front, and the back door.
Just, as Aver tried to step out of the room, he heard a voice; Aver stopped, and looked back...
Emilia, who was still sleeping, started to glow.
Long lines of light were flowing with energy, the energy flows on Emilia's body; and this energy began to gather, until an Entity appeared.
The Entity introduced herself as Mika; Mika chose Emilia, as her vessel; and Emilia, probably doesn't know about it...
So, the purity of light, that surrounds Mika, is like a gate to the Sun...
Mika is an Ancient, a technology of the past.
Emilia, a ghost is above; no response, a very sound sleep.
Listening to Mika; there was something she wanted to say...
And three years ago, the Gurhal System was invaded by Seed; the Seed wanted to...
Seed, they annihilate everything, and in Mika's past, they raided civilizations as well.
The Seed weren't victorious in the past however; thus Seed, and their leader Dark Falz, were banished.
The Planets, and all life on them, were tainted; they began to decay...
Project Renaissance was established by the Ancients, to ensure that life, won't be lost.
Gurhal System, had to be made completely free from the Seed; the cleaning began.
After the purification, new races were created; that's why the universe has so many different races now; Human-like race was the base, for any race; Aver, is a human beast.
The Ancients then, abandoned their tainted bodies, and became spirits.
Ancients dreamed, that one day, they could steal the newly created bodies, for themselves.
The newly created civilizations, advanced into the future...
When technologies improved, the Ancients' place of rest, was finally uncovered.
Mika, are we in danger, or not?
Mika doesn't want this plan to proceed; otherwise the Ancients, would take away so many lives...
And how Aver gonna stop such a grand plan anyway?!
Mika, doesn't want to be reborn in this time...
So, what passed is passed; Mika feels their fate, and the demise of the Ancients, should stay in the past, and the new generations should continue to strive, as they do now.
Wonder, if staying with Emilia, changed Mika's view.
The Relic site; the attack; was it planned?
Aver's body was destroyed by the Automation at the Relic site, then how...
By Emilia's wish; remember her crying.
Mika's program was activated, and it rebuilt Aver's body; and here we are!
Mika was interrupted, as Emilia has woken up!
Mika's voice "we'll speak again."
Er, and the explanation...
Emilia certainly doesn't know Mika, and she's angry now, because her name is Emilia, not Mika.