30 April 2012

The 3rd Birthday 11

Will be wearing a Jacket, since it offers better protection.
Aya's White Eider Jacket - lightweight, and easy to move in.
Is it really necessary, to have this many handguns?
Quicker dodging; though, would dodging save time?
A more dynamic approach is needed, to battle hoards of Twisted.
A Minigun...
The ASR18B3 Carbine assault rifle sure have reached its limits; would require a newer model, to reach new heights!
And the Swat assault rifle, can still be upgraded; the ammo capacity, and impact.
Having a better proficiency with a weapon, would not make newer weapons available!
Okay, let's continue exploring, and improving handling, with handguns!
A DNA board, on which the Blue OE Chip, gives a constant boost to defense, or offense.
The Green OE Chip: makes Crossfires more powerful, or improves the condition of the crossfire participants.
The Orange OE Chips: recover Aya, and give her protection, after an Overdive; after some Overdives, since it doesn't always work; a pity...
The Red OE Chips: are malignant, and make Aya's condition worse.
An OE Chip has mutated, from Orange to Yellow!
Two Orange Chips, made a Yellow one.
The Yellow OE Chip, that was formed a moment ago, improves Overdive Kill; and it always works!
This mutated stuff is cool, although, not all of 'em...
Now this is strange...
An OE Chip, that increases the chances, of finding a better quality OE Chips; that, could prove useful.
No more OE Chips left to Install; oh well...
Hm, an OE Chip was obtained, after a normal Overdive; Overdived into a commander?
The same OE Chips should be linked, or the weaker ones, would give nothing!
Aya found a woman that was hurt, it was too late though, and nothing could be done...
And we are here to save people, and to change the past...
A Reaper chase; run, run and run; the Reapers, cannot reach high places, so climbing to the higher ground, would be like reaching a safe spot.
Most of the higher points, are destroyable though; in the Reaper infested corridor.
So many Twisted that cannot be damaged; gunning them, is no use.
A crossroad in the chase: the right turn leads to a room with many boxes, which provides an easy escape; and the left turn, leads into a trap, where Aya would be trapped in-between two barriers, with a Reaper in the middle, and it would be very, very tight!
When trapped with a Reaper, it is advisable to dodge them, by going in a circle; dodging in circles...
And where is that civilian, that should be saved from a Reaper?
Another path to dodge through.
Aya ran into some trouble, when she fought the flying Twisted, on her way down the metal stairway.
Emergency escape...
There is a place with the ladder, in the middle of a street; maybe a civilian climbed this box; or, there is also an alley, or some empty space, that could be a good hiding ground; or a bad hiding ground...
A grenade can destroy an Orb quickly; only, if the Orb is on the ground...
Aya's life is so depleted right now; it's all, or nothing!
The Operation Rainbow Dust proceeding; planned the escape already; Overdive into a Civilian, then run to the exit, where an Orb should be destroyed with a revolver, or a grenade.
Would Aya last long enough though?
No Civilians yet; the next area awaits, with surprises...
Twisted are Aliens...
Found a Civilian, and wasn't fast enough to help; the Reaper appeared before Aya, and blocked her path; although the Orbs, were marked on the map, as stars...
The DNA is improving well, protection...
The DNA needs more offensive capability OE Chips; improved Overdive kill, isn't enough.
Some OE Chip with a comet, is blinking; an Orange Ammo, and Orange Health, should be combined to see it.
A comet OE Chip, which is finally present, gives Aya a chance to shoot an energy blast, with a regular handgun; sweet!
Improved mobility, with a lightweight handgun!
An oversized Twisted, is beyond the next door; entering combat!
Destroyed an Orb, and now up the stairs, as it's the only way to destroy this Twisted Alien; it has a weak spot at the back.
Soldiers fighting in the street; are without cover; should constantly attack the Huge Twisted, precisely at its weak spot, to draw its attention on the roof.
Revolver works wonders, until ammo is available; and most of the time, it's not.
Maybe damaging one leg, will slow this Twisted down, and save some comrades...
Shotgun is totally useless against Giant Bosses!
Nearly there; it's easy to defeat a Boss, when have lots of back-up; at least one hiding place should be present; fighting Bosses in the open, is not good.
That was, a wrong position; a corner wasn't enough to protect a soldier from harm...
And it's done, the Huge Twisted defeated; now, for a real challenge...
Aya will be taking two assault rifles, a Carbine and Swat, because one of them is Power, and the other is Impact!
The barriers, they all will soon be destroyed, then, there would be no place to hide; a zone to stay a little safe, from this overwhelming power...
No Overdive kill; and without it, no chance of hurting the transparent Boss.
Should gather pace...
Does the Boss have a limit, where it can appear?!
A long run, could suffice; the nearest wall...
It's so much easier with Liberation; would start with it next time!
Stumps on each one, this is...
Evading it, would probably be more useful than fighting it.
The black energy balls, they absorbed Aya; no back-up, retry...
It finally fell, the transparent Twisted is defeated, and the girl is released from suffering; that girl, she looked a little like Aya.
A new mission, which is hardly authorised; as it is too dangerous.
Learning to evade that transparent Twisted, really helped in fighting it, and finally beating it!