20 February 2012

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice 18

Oh, that treasure chest up high, is there to annoy!
Super Hero's Requiem, seeing it to the end!
Mao's home has been cleaned, so much for letting in the Super Hero, and the Diez Gentlemen...
Sparkles, everything is so bright, definitely not, how a demon's home should look!
Super Hero appeared, let's make him disappear!
Super Hero wants Mao, to become a crude Overlord, just like his father was...
Sir Aurum, the Super Hero; Almaz really wants to know, if it is really him, the sir Aurum that he knew...
Demons appeared, we'll fight, and then we'll follow sir Aurum, since, he got away!
This Castle is quite futuristic, electronic windows, lots of lights, though some of the things are broken, like those two statues, they are missing the head!!
Four Dragons, and four Barbarians to take care of, will eliminate the first half of them, will be easier this way.
Two down, two to go!
Kyoko and Asuka, stand too close to our opponents, that's not good, although, opponents can choose to magichange, and skip their attack...
Asuka nearly withstood every attack, that sword skill, finally got her, Kyoko on the other hand, evaded an attack against her, and so, will continue fighting!
Now, the opponents are packed, and easy to target!
Half of them are down, and half of us are down as well, to not let that happen, should've moved slower, that's what we get for being underleveled.
Hell Hounds sure are fast, someone strong, should keep them from getting through, and the strong one is, Almaz!
Raspberyl is always at safety, with the huge range of her fire spells!
Mao's been defeated, for a moment, the Nurse will take care of it for sure!
And Almaz of course, can withstand any attack, been surrounded by beast leader and three hell hounds, and withstood their combinations like nothing!
Yes, Nelly will take a good shot, with three Hounds together!
Those Hell Hounds, do bite, only two left...
And Witch Doctors joined the battle, two of 'em to be exact, defence is necessary...
Mao threw himself at the bomb, to protect everyone...
Temporarily escaped from the castle, the seniors blocked our way, we got lots of help from Vato Brothers though...