Will be going through the Vanessan Way, our goal is, to reach Barnicia Castle.
And is the team ready?
Velocity Shift, can be quite a useful skill, if used right, can take more actions with it.
Yes, the team is ready for action!
Twelve members, will join this battle...
Looks like we'll be walking on a straight stone road...
Our White Knights, need a Heal 2 spell, to better support our party, doesn't matter in this battle, cause our opposition, is far outclassed!
It seems, the meeting point, will be on the bridge!
Wasting no time, moving forward!
First to meet us, are two Dragons!
One Dragon is down, the second Dragon took the materials though, and just like that, our loot is gone!
Arycelle has been quickened, with a magic spell.
An opponents Ninja, avoids the road, walks slowly under the bridge, when, and if he gets to us, it'll be already too late; soon their commander will fall!
Opponents' commander class, is Terror Knight, likes to weaken others, before the fight!
Terror Knights however, are usually slow, their commander was quickened by magic though.
Because their commander is so quick, he moved in front, nearly alone, now he's just there for the pickings...
Cistina avoided every attack, her proficiency with a spear increased, and she can now use the finishing move Giga Tempest; Like call a storm, with a spear!
And thus, their commander defeated, with Water Magic!
Not many spoils, only Brigandine Armor, and already have plenty of those, will sell this one too, don't need it!
Our Commander will learn a Truestrike II support skill, adds accuracy, our commander mostly doesn't miss, he stopped missing, once he got a truestrike 1 skill...
Gylda the Berserker, will learn a Spell Ward 2 skill, will avoid status ailment magic with it.
Sansa the Rogue learns Constitution 2, will last in battle longer...
And Arycelle the Archer, doesn't need to learn anything, learned everything that she can; higher level is required, to get access to better skills.
Gildas the White Knight will learn strengthen 2 skill, to compliment his two-handed sword!
Cerya the Valkyrie will learn a Spell Ward 2, to avoid magics from powerful mages.
Olivya the Cleric learns an Expand Mind 2 skill, will be able to cast magic more often now, and thus be a better healer.