Jumping through the Halls, getting ready to advance!
Again, no new skills to learn...
Okay dood, our next destination will be...
Death's Path, death again, whatever, will it at least be fun?
Let's find out!
Mao is going berserk, Beryl tries to stop him!
Will Mao cool down...
Beryl stopped Mao, hm!
Friendship talk from Almaz, to trust friends...
Almaz is suffering from a curse, and so, he's in great pain, tries to endure it still!
It looks like Almaz died; afterwards, the second Mao appears...
And there are two Maos now, the second one came from the first Mao's heart, we did have a look at him, in the heart vault.
And this second Mao, is supposed to be very Evil!
Should we fight this second Pure Evil Mao?
And now Dark Mao attacks, we will have to finish him!
The Dark Mao has a new special attack, called Slayer's Descent, has a wide range, so should look out for it; not to mention, that Dark Mao's attack, is very big.
Almaz won't be fighting in our group...
Death Dragons wearing a Sexy Swimsuits, and that increases defence!
Our Mao is stronger, he has an attack skill, Vasa Aergun, and the Dark Mao doesn't have it!
Wow, General's spear looks so good, like a trident, with an axe on the tip, Azuria got lucky!
Nelly and Mao, will take a sidewalk, and someone still needs to cover the portal, or there would be no end to our opponent's advance!
Maybe should leave the portal open, to gain more levels?
Either way, someone has to fight everything, that's coming out of the portal, Mr. Champloo and Sapphire could do that.
Dragons are slow, so they wont be causing any trouble.
Rasberyl, will help Nelly and Mao with spells, as her spells can reach long distances.
Great, one Dragon down, now to reach the cubes...
Rasberyl can now burn the second dragon with Mega Fire!
Death Dragons are naturally protected against fire, so hurting them with it, is difficult, still, not impossible.
Ifrit Magichanged, and became the Dark Mao's flame sword, it should wear out eventually...
Will start the advance, Mr. Champloo and Sapphire will defeat a few monsters, those monster are carrying scythes.
Christophe will be boosting everyone's attacks, with his magic; took him instead of Almaz, since, he doesn't have to engage in battle, rather, he will be casting support spells.
Should lift the Enemy Turbo x 3 Bonus, as it really can make the battle a lot tougher!
While lifting the bonus, will try to damage opponents, as much as possible!
Christophe will be boosting Magic as well.
The opposition, couldn't attack yet, and soon it will be over, the battle that is!
It's time for Mao to lift the Bonus!
Mao and Nelly leveled up nicely, by defeating another Death Dragon, with a Cocktail Shaker and a Blast Finger combination!
Blast this Cube!
No more Bonuses, the fight can begin now, as there is no more cubes left!
Dark Mao, here we come!
Stack up everyone, to boost your attack, with a Brave Heart spell.
Oops, Christophe was defeated, by a wind magic spell, he couldn't cast magic anymore, so will revive him after the battle.
Mao is closing in on Dark Mao, soon the epic battle will begin!
Sapphire was nearly defeated with a scythe attack skill, she did survive, and it's time to use Mega Heal, to treat her wounds.
Dark Mao is very dangerous, everyone should approach really carefully!
Beryl got defeated, by a monster that came from a portal...
Dark Mao exchanged blows with Mr. Champloo, in other words, he came to us, and we will have a joined attack aimed against him, this, will be easy!
And Dark Mao, with two spears sticked into him, he disappeared, defeated and lost...
Azuria got nearly defeated by a wind spell, she is a fighter, and she can't stand wind magic spells!
One last monster remains, one attack should do it, defeat and obliterate this monster!
Lily Spirit combo, and the monster, is gone, vanished...
It seems Mao, has second thoughts.
Geoffrey, was helping the Evil side of Mao...
Princess is so, saddened, and sorry, for Almaz, she wants to cry, yet she can't shed tears, even if she wants to, sad, very sad...
Oh, come on, get up, Almaz!!
Mao is saddened, and mad...
Mao orders Almaz, to live, and there somewhere, in a lit darkness, Mao's heart, gives Almaz his title back, and thus Almaz, revives.
The Princess is crying, guess the joy was overwhelming, or so it seems, she can cry from joy now...
Almaz turned back, into a human, no more demon stuff!
Mao had to open his heart, to let go of the Hero title, and to give it back to Almaz!
Mao opened his heart, finally!
And Almaz is now a Hero, he did accomplish something, did he?
To defeat the Super Hero, this time for real...
Finale, and we get all this treasure chests!
One of the treasure chests is too high, just to touch it, to open it!
From all the jumping, learned, that can jump a little higher than usual, maybe will be able to touch the treasure chest, if can jump a little higher!
Oh, want to get on top of the bulletin board!
So much jumping...
It's a start of a new chapter, so the group is alright, and ready for battle!
Sometimes, can get higher, sometimes is rare, so the treasure chest has to wait, for later!
Or maybe, the path to the treasure chest, isn't ready yet.
Also, Epsilon the fighter will get a new axe, Demon Smasher; our healer Daphne will equip a Golden Bow, and Daphne will also have a Fight Muscle, it will improve her survivability, though it would be better to improve her magic, with some accessory.