At this point, we're closing in, on the?
Luther River,...
Two Mandrakes and two Fairies, seems easy...
Fairy has a very good intelligence, and a very strong magic.
Mandrakes aren't anything special, and thus, one of them is already down.
Fairies stand close together!
Broken Hit Arts from Galios, and the next Mandrake vanishes!
Galios couldn't withstand the fairy's magic spell, yet, he's still with us, alive and healed...
This was close!
Eugene levels up, increases Agility, Vitality and Strength, can be a better fighter now.
Mimel levels up, increases Luck, Intelligence, Agility and Vitality, defenses are now better; and she likes to use magic spells...
Galios nearly got beaten by a magic spell, he needs some armor, that will protect him against magic!
Moving to Souffle Rock...
Two Lycanthropes and two Mandrakes...
The party defeated Lycanthropes pretty fast, magic is their weak point!
Mandrakes use Heal, healing won't help these!
Galios improves, raises Vitality and Strength, even stronger attacks!
Alice improves Agility, Intelligence and Luck, can avoid, and cast magic more successfully.
Routier levels up, increases Luck and Intelligence, should be a bit more safe now.
Guess we were well prepared for the small monsters, now, where is that Boss, or something?
This place, Soufrettare...
We will search for the Stone...
Galios smashed the Rock, and there shining, is probably our Stone.
A very big monster comes running to us, what's his agenda?
Everyone is alerted!
Okay Sieghart, Eugene, Galios, Mimel, Alice and Routier, to battle!
Two Fairies will be supporting the Giant Flame Dog...
The Flame Dog is very strong, can take-out some of our members in one hit, gulp...
Commander was hit first.
Sieghart really needs help...
Mimel took down a Fairy.
Fairy Heals the badly hurt Flame Dog!
Can win this!
No Fairies left...
Routier is down, though Galios can take the Boss down on his own.
Gatling Spike, from Galios, his ultimate skill!
Failure, a bit underwhelmed...
Need a little preparation, before the Boss.
Off to the Blacksmith!
A few battles on our way...
Defeating a few Lycanthropes on the way...
Stun Bash Arts by Alice and the Commander!
Surprise attack, we still got the number advantage!
A few Fairies on our way, defeated too...
Will improve weapons, armor, and our party's level, before the Boss.
Routier got defeated by a Big Crab...
Cal-Vina will replace Routier, until we'll be back to town.
Two Imps, and a Big Crab, too easy, this will be fast.
Fighting Hornets, Lesser bats, and Hell Dogs are a waste of time now, move on...
Routier Resurrected, to the shops we go!
Got a Title Muscle Flexer, and with it, spells: Fire and Capture!
At the Blacksmith, and will create here a Kismet Ring, that ring increases luck.
Sieghart will improve Agility and Luck, will miss less often.
Would sell some materials: poison needles, wing amulets, devilkin horns, and that's enough selling.
Will buy one Essential Arts book, a Power Ring, and a Kismet Ring.
Commander will equip the Kismet Ring, he needs more avoidance.
Galios will also equip the Kismet Ring, to hit clearly.
And Mimel will get the Power Ring, just in case, if she wants to use the Power Attack skill!
Eugene will get a Fire skill!
Enhancing weapons...
Will improve the armor Bone Guard for Sieghart, and Holy Symbol for Routier!
Now, to Thuluth Fountain, to fight the Boss!
Will fight some monsters first!
In a surprise battle, a bit harder, Mimel was downed...
Will improve Bone Guard for Eugene!
Magic can't hurt Routier, most of the time anyway!
Sieghart levels up, increases Strength, Agility and Intelligence, he can better withstand magic spells from now on!
Routier increases Luck and Intelligence, to heal more.
Mimel's Bone Guard enhanced!
Eugene levels up, improves Strength, Vitality and Intelligence, has a a better protection against spells now.
Fairies can do Harvest Heal, to treat themselves...
Galios levels up, raises Agility, Vitality and Strength!
Mimel levels up, raises Vitality, Agility, Intelligence and Luck, avoid and resist!
Alice improves, raising Vitality and Intelligence, her magic becomes stronger!
Enhancing Corsesca for Galios, and Bone Scythe for Mimel...
Smashing rocks to pieces, calling out monsters, yeah, like usual...
This time, the Commander stays and fights the Boss.
To defeat this Flame Dog!
Alice is down, fairy is too.
Routier is also down...
The fairy keeps Healing the Boss...
Howling Storm, and the Flame Dog is defeated, by Sieghart!
Dreadful Indeed!
Will be heading through Rue Trark, a town of commerce, let's depart then!
Eugene really wants something at Forster Haing, hm...
Everyone who was down, resurrected!
Will Switch Routier with Cal-Vina for awhile.