01 December 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles 11

We are going on a rescue mission then!
To Colony 6, to rescue Juju!
Only one Quest left on Bionis' Leg, except Challenge 2 - Part 1, which requires to defeat a monster named Trainer Harmelon.
The monster Trainer Harmelon is located on the upper level of the Bionis' Leg, should look for it somewhere North, once there that is.
Like when it rains on the plains.
Defeated some Mechon units, there are plenty of them here on Maguel Road, and it leads straight to the upper level!
That was satisfying, defeating Mechon in one Big Swoop, they fall easily once Enchant is enabled.
Found the Spiral Valley, it's west from Maguel road, there is a landmark, and My Quest monster is probably there too.
Off, to Spiral Valley!
On Spiral Valley landmark stands the Immovable Gonzalez, a level 90 monster, there is no way we gotta take him on, He is too powerful for us now...
Will skip the powerful monster and continue Northward.
This Gonzalez fellow is quite large, the Spiral Valley is definitely not the best place to teleport to.
Trainer Harmelon is a Tirkin, and he is so small, about waist height, and He attacked us too, like He is a more powerful one, lets see if He is wrong...
Defeated trainer Harmelon, our level was too big, so He was down without a challenge, though he was fast, two beasts that were with him were more impressive, they should be the first target, now to see what's inside the treasure chest...
Nothing in the treasure chest left by that Trainer Tirkin were new, the most valuable were: Jaguar Lancer and Steady Cuisses.
No Quests left on Bionis' Leg now, so just gonna leave for Colony 6.
So, is Colony 6 beyond the Bridge?
Colony 6 is after Kasharpa Falls, there is a valley, a road through the hills.
And now we enter the Bask Cave Passage, how dangerous will it be?
At our level should be no problem, at any case...
Now we should get to the Drainage Outlet and into the Ether Mines, all that, just to not get spotted by the Mechon.