28 December 2011

The King of Fighters XIII 03

Everyone will take it Easy today...
Ash with green flame attacks.
Wasting no time, he starts off with a kick combination.
Likes to stay at far back and throw his boomerang shaped green flames.
Does a lot of combinations, once close to an opponent, and can throw green flames when retreating.
10 hits, achieved by performing round kicks, one after another!
If opponent is down, Ash waits till he gets up!
So, fights from any distance then, mostly throws green flames with his hand.
Can ram into opponents, from great distance, perform a kick combination, and end with a throwing green flame retreat, does huge amounts of damage, and places himself into safety the same time, brilliant!
If only, Ash would be a bit faster...
Daimon is a very Big muscular man, and somewhat a patriot.
Likes to push, does hurt, to be pushed that hard!
11 hit combination, takes his opponent and slams him against the floor, then throws very high, and makes a quake on the landing!
Daimon makes fighting look easy, with every attack so strong, can achieve easy victory, that said, if anything is easy, it gonna be plain, or not.
And 12 hits, with a double quake?
Sometimes, misses his throws, tries to grab, then fails...
Kicks, to knock down his opponents.
King uses a boxer stance, maybe kick boxer, though she does shoot fireballs too much...
Yes, her better special is shooting fireballs too.
Though on the damage side, throwing fireballs is effective, for King anyway.
Venom Strike, that's the name of her fireball throwing special, and Double Strike is the better version.
Although mostly shoots fireballs, she doesn't keep much distance, so fireballs strike early!
Can use her Venom Strike while in the middle of a jump.
Combinations are nonexistent at this point, it's like 2 hits...
Sometimes kicks in between fireballs.