Find anything?
Too much space in this Temple.
Hm, nice pool...
Cintamani stone, it's on the statue, and we need to get it, what then?
Maybe it's possible to climb the statue from the sides, or maybe from the bottom...
Can climb to the second floor(the upper platform) from the right side, there is a broken pillar there.
Now to get closer to the Statue, and that stone...
Now crossed to the left side.
Huh, the left side collapsed, making a stairs.
Can try climbing from the bottom now.
Nothing to grab onto at the bottom, then it's only from the sides!
Should the arms be aligned into the correct position, the position is drawn in the journal?
So, only the arm that holds a Trident was aligned correctly at first...
Only the Upper left arm is left.
Aligned the Dagger by climbing the left wall, and fell too!
Right side was quite easy, jumped from a pole to a ridge on the left, and from there climbed the wall, and when on the wall, jumped on a nearby platform.
Once close to a statue, climbed the wall to get higher.
Should I get inside the Statue now?
And the Globe opened, after the alignment.
Should the stone be behind the Globe, or in it?
At least going back was very easy, just climbed along the top line, maybe could have climbed the same way up!
Sure, too late for that!
I thought it was strange, that there are too many stairs in the pool, like something is beneath the water.
We both carry a flashlight on our belts.
This tunnel under the statue is not so dark, though very narrow.
So much water in here, it was below the pool though, and what can one hide in here, a tunnel full of water.
Cintamani stone has something to do with life, is it?
Soon, will know everything about this Temple.
Trapped, and the ceiling is closing down on us!
The exit, or some way to stop the ceiling...
Stopped the ceiling, by shooting and thus breaking the wheal mechanism!
Also found a Bronze Varaha Statue, and it's time to get outta here!
Have to manipulate light with the mirrors, and the journal doesn't help any.
Let's move some mirrors and see what happens!
There is a Stone Face with three eyes, the lights are probably gonna collect on the eyes, for whatever reason.
The stone Face with three eyes is smaller than other stone faces around this Temple, and is located below, near the floor.
The other pillars should be downed too, should we do it manually, or by the mirrors?
The other mirrors should receive the light too, somehow...
This is very, very high, for indoors that is!
Did I just made a hole in the mirror?
Climbed on the Giant stone face, and after pulling it's eyebrow, the path for light has opened, and all the mirrors can be arranged!
Gotta climb to safety, and that new path to the balcony will do.
Can see Treasure from that balcony, it's too high though, so gonna shoot it down!
There is a Copper Lakhe Mask lying on the balcony, just have to move further to get it.
Great, that other treasure that gunned down, only fell a level lower, meaning still have to climb around to get to it!
There is a hanging mirror, should adjust the reflector there.
Now, to get to the other side, and also get My treasure...
Do I have to climb the second pillar?
Drake called this thing that we are trying to get down, a Blade, that is quite a large Blade...
Again, the Blade crushed down, had to shoot to break open the statue face, light followed, and in the process, jumped on the hanging mirror contraption.
The next balcony is near, and it will be done, the mirror alignment that is!
The treasure that landed on the balcony, which was gunned down earlier, is a Carved Jade Figurine.
Huh, the path through the mouth?
To get down will need...
Of course the bridge appeared, and after left the balcony it disappeared.
Time to check out that mouth!
The place beyond the mouth is kinda creepy...
While running around found a Bronze Ganesh Statue!
There was one little beam of light that went down, from the ceiling to the center of the room.
Once Drake inserts the key, the centre of the room rises like splashing water to form the Mountains, and we find out where the treasure is on these Mountains!
Now we are not alone in this Temple, so it can be tricky to get out!
Somehow Drake got his ammo restocked.