14 May 2012

Resonance of Fate 02

Leanne's handgun fires more rapidly, though, deals less damage with greater accuracy.
Vashyron's handgun, is the strongest in our group, damage-wise.
And Zephyr's machinegun, does a lot of Scratch Damage; though it is hard to keep the machinegun focused.
Our main mission, is the Star from the Heavens, and for the information about the mission, we would need to cross the bridge and visit Cafe Chelsey.
The bridge however, is closed for repairs; thus we would lay a helping hand, to fix the bridge!
The combat basics, can be learned at the Arena; could be the next place to visit, before we get into a fight...
Probably the first assignment to do, will be to deliver Lex's Knives; Core Lift 1 shouldn't be far off.
Allcott is at the Shop, he is the client for the Pest Extermination mission; the mission will require of us, to deal with the Stray Curs, and it would probably be doable after the bridge repairs are done.
Tinkerer can craft weapon parts for us, if we have the required Items, and money.
A scope can be crafted, though it's expensive, for a single Item.
Better to create a Sub-Barrel, and a Handguard.
The Sub-Barrel isn't usable on any of our guns, yet.
The Handguard will be attached to SMG-05; it is Zephyr's machinegun, and a Handguard will make it more steady.
Scrapper at the Shop, can dismantle equipment and custom parts, into much more simple parts and Items; or just made into scrap!
Clairvoyance, is an Item that we do not have yet, and it is vital, because with it we can learn, our foe's weaknesses; will buy two!
Why is the kid at the counter, are they short on staff?
To get rich quick; yeah, laugh it off...
Hunters start at the Arena; a sure way to prepare, is to actually have, a little first-hand experience.
Dangerous work; yeah, it could pay well, for those who can take it that is!
Ebel's City Boutique is closed at the moment; and since we won't be spending on clothes and accessories, then won't mind a few extra Items instead.
A Cure Kit; just in case will be purchased!
A Barrel...
A handgun barrel, can make our Sub-Barrel useful!
Nope, the Sub-Barrel is still unusable; although the Rookie Barrel, did fit nicely into Vashyron's 1191.45-Auto handgun!
It seems, we live on Hexes, that are part of a very tall tower; no wonder the Hexes can break time to time, they are suspended so high in the air; and we need to reach the lift...
Oops, we run into a combat situation; well, us beginners, would have to start somewhere; even if it's a surprise...
Three Gremlins and a Rogue Gunman; the Rogue Gunman is tougher than Gremlins, so will take him out first.
These Gremlins are fast; they approach quickly, and prevent aiming, by bashing our team with their tool cases.
Vashyron defeated a Gremlin, with one attack; and while the Rogue Gunman, was focusing on Leanne; maybe Zephyr can take away his attention?
Well, we were beaten to a pulp once, and we did a better job the second time, when the Gremlins became our primary targets.
And the Gremlins, do fall easily, without much effort!
Of course we were a little lucky to win; because if those Gremlins wouldn't have been defeated first, then, we would had to run...
On the bright side, we did acquire some Energy Hexes; without Energy, most areas become inaccessible; and we really need to get to the bridge...
We do have a Core Lift 1 Pass; once we hand over Lex's Knives, we can ride the Lift!
The mission is proceeding well; with these newly charged Energy Hexes, the Rainy Bridge can be restored in no time at all!
Placed an Energy Hex, and got two more Energy Hexes; place one, get two more!
A sign before the Arena reads Welcome, where every letter lights up in its own color; the letter E however, barely lights at all.
An ice cream vendor, sells a Soft Serve, from a pure Bigfoot milk!
Okay, two Soft Serves please!
So, it's not so hard to flee from a fight, just run to the next field until safe; could become useful, if things go really, really wrong!
Receptionist at the Arena said, that they are preparing, and aren't ready for us yet; the training is accessible though...
And with a Hero Attack, can set a course, then run-and-gun; to move into the best of positions!
Resonance: to run between other party members, builds resonance, a triangle...
The Tri-Attack - an advanced form of the Hero Action, to achieve it, the party members need to run between each other, building resonance and triangles; and when can finally do the Tri-Attack, performing a Hero Action will begin it, if the triangle is set that is.
The quickest way to build a triangle for our team, is to move one team member left, and the other right, and then the third member should run between them, shooting and building resonance; that's front left, and front right, and resonating in-between...
Without any hold-ups, the training continues to gather pace!
Hm, so natural to dual-wield...
Zephyr isn't quite fond of grenades; does not prefer them.
Incendiary Rounds, fire on!
Let's burn these training dummies to ashes!
Oh, how cool, or should say, hot!
The training dummies were so invincible before, in every round these clown masks on a spring were taking no damage, every time; it sure changed, once incendiary rounds were used, with the flames sweeping through the target dummy, and burning half of it!
Hm, it seems the Hero Action, needs to be performed with a ranged weapon; melee isn't quite useful; and to build up resonance, no weapon is needed at all.
At least the Training Staff is working fine, at the Arena!
We found our Stray Curs; this would be good...
One Stray Cur down, three left; should take them out slowly, one at a time.
Good, Zephyr's Hollow-Point Rounds, are especially designed for soft, organic targets, like Stray Curs over here; Hollow-Point Speciality Rounds, don't do much damage against machinery.
Well, when we placed an Energy Hex near the Rainy Bridge, it did fix it; now the Familiar Staffer awaits our report...
Near Core Lift 1...
Surprise on Lex's face, as we hand over the knives; it seems Lex is a Chef.
Well now, Lex is happy; said to thank his Mom for him too; one Chef job saved, according to Lex, his Knife Set is so important.
Leanne found a First Aid Kit, near the lift.
Why can important and rich people make their Home at Chandelier; maybe because they can afford it?
Chandelier Area, is high and mighty, because it has influential people living there...
Since the bridge is fixed, we'll head back and give our report.
Rose's son cooks for Cardinal Barb Barbarella; is it in Chandelier?
A Maid at Theresa's Manor lost something, and now it's a mission!
Home Sweet Home, with so many Gears, and a place to rest...
Zephyr needs more speciality rounds, to take on any target of choice!