At Baticul the Capital of Light the fate draws near...
Our journey starts with Luke, a Duke's son, he practices battle skills, and can cook Rice Balls.
Won't be choosing a strategy right now, as with one team member, and a novice at that, the battle strategies have to wait.
Hearing sounds, Luke's got a problem, and he ignores it...
Must be nice living in a Mansion, and then, there is just too much room; and Luke's bedroom was a bit small...
Hm, white knights patrolling our halls.
Guests; greetings, are in order.
Luke is tied to this Mansion, he can't leave it, even if he wants to, and he Really wants to!
So, the Manor isn't big enough; and yes, if weighed against the outside world, it feels kinda small, and repetitive.
The fonstones, that saw earlier in the sky, they were floating somewhere far, far away.
How special are the fonstones?
The Entrance Hall...
Master Van will arrive, usually, Luke remembers him for training; Master Van, is Luke's teacher then, in some way...
Oh, entry is not permitted anywhere, no wonder Luke is bored, if anything happens at the Manor, he can not attend it, sigh.
Hearing voices, it's happening again; and Luke's reply?
Luke withstood the headache, and is fine.
Guy came, to cheer him up.
Guy ran off, as he heard the maid; the maid had to deliver a message to Luke, and Luke just waited here, in his room, for the message.
Time to go to, the Drawing Room!
Duke Fabre, is quite harsh on Luke...
Luke really likes his sword training.
With Master Van leaving for a long while, Luke's only option, is to train with Guy.
Give up on studying the sword arts, no way; in fact, will be studying even harder!